
Welcome to the documentation for Ci-Framework. This documentation is designed to help you get up and running with our project as quickly and smoothly as possible. We’ll walk you through everything from setting up your development environment to understanding our code structure and contributing to the project.

Project purpose

CI-Framework is a way to bootstrap development and CI environments for RHOSO. It is not intended for a production use, and should not be treated as a persistent deployment.

Found a bug or need a new feature?

The project is under constant development, bugs happen.

If you have such a bad encounter, please fill an issue in Jira.

Chose OSPRH project, add cifmw label, and set the Workstream to CI Framework and the Team to OSP CI Framework.

Please provide the following information:

  • your environment (OS version, ansible --version)

  • commit hash of the ci-framework repository you’re using (git log -1)

  • your environment files (yes, all of them - you may want to ensure the security field of the issue is properly set to not leak internal data)

  • the command you issued

  • task name raising the error

  • the error itself (please use the internal pastebin if it’s too long)

In case of emergency, or if we didn’t come back to you in a reasonable time (expect a couple of days), you can ping us on our Slack channel.

Module utils

Indices and tables