
Generate complete kustomization file based on multiple snippets

Privilege escalation




The top level parameter cifmw_architecture_scenario is required in order to select the proper VA scenario to deploy. If not provided, the role will fail with a message.

  • cifmw_ci_gen_kustomize_values_basedir: (String) Base directory. Defaults to cifmw_basedir which defaults to ~/ci-framework-data.

  • cifmw_ci_gen_kustomize_values_architecture_repo: (String) architecture repository location. Defaults to cifmw_architecture_repo (~/src/

  • cifmw_ci_gen_kustomize_values_src_file: (String) Absolute path to the values.yaml file you want to edit. Defaults to cifmw_ci_gen_kustomize_values_architecture_repo/cifmw_ci_gen_kustomize_values_architecture_examples_path/cifmw_architecture_scenario/values.yaml

  • cifmw_ci_gen_kustomize_values_snippets_basedir: (String) Location for the values snippets. Defaults to ~/ci-framework-data/artifacts/ci_k8s_snippets.

  • cifmw_ci_gen_kustomize_values_snippets_dir_prefix: (String) Prefix for snippet directory. Defaults to "".

  • cifmw_ci_gen_kustomize_values_generated_dir: (String) Location of the generated values.yaml. Defaults to ~/ci-framework-data/artifacts/ci_gen_kustomize_values.

  • cifmw_ci_gen_kustomize_values_dest_fname_prefix: (String) Prefix for generated file name. Defaults to "".

  • cifmw_ci_gen_kustomize_values_dest_filename: (String) Name of the generated output file. Defaults to {{ cifmw_ci_gen_kustomize_values_dest_fname_prefix }}values.yaml.

  • cifmw_ci_gen_kustomize_values_nameservers: (List) List of name servers you want to inject. Defaults to [].

  • cifmw_ci_gen_kustomize_values_userdata: (Dict) Data structure you want to combine in the generated output. Defaults to {}.

  • ci_gen_kustomize_fetch_ocp_state: (Boolean) If true it enables generating CI templates based on the OCP state. Defaults to true.

Specific parameters for edpm-values

This configMap needs some more parameters in order to properly override the architecture provided one. Those parameters aren’t set by default, and are mandatory for edpm-values.

  • cifmw_ci_gen_kustomize_values_ssh_authorizedkeys: (String) Block of SSH authorized_keys to inject on the deployed nodes.

  • cifmw_ci_gen_kustomize_values_ssh_private_key: (String) SSH private key to allow dataplane access on the computes.

  • cifmw_ci_gen_kustomize_values_ssh_public_key: (String) SSH public key associated to cifmw_ci_gen_kustomize_values_ssh_private_key.

  • cifmw_ci_gen_kustomize_values_migration_priv_key: (String) SSH private key dedicated for the nova-migration services.

  • cifmw_ci_gen_kustomize_values_migration_pub_key: (String) SSH public key associated to cifmw_ci_gen_kustomize_values_migration_priv_key. Note that all of the SSH keys should be in ecdsa format to comply with FIPS directives.

Required parameters only when baremetal compute nodes are used.

  • cifmw_ci_gen_kustomize_values_ctlplane_interface: (String) Used to override default controlplane interface for OSP compute nodes.

Adding a new template

The template must have a leading comment staging its source. For example, if your template is located in templates/foo/edpm-values/values.yaml.j2 it must have the following header:

# source: foo/edpm-values/values.yaml.j2

The source must be relative to the templates directory. This will help during debugging sessions, since it will show the used template directly in ci-framework-data/ci_k8s_snippets/TYPE/02_ci_data.yaml.


Generate controlplane values.yaml for nfv/sriov VA

- name: Load networking environment definition
  register: _net_env
    path: "/etc/ci/env/networking-environment-definition.yml"

- name: Generate controlplane without any custom user input
    cifmw_architecture_scenario: "nfv/sriov"
    cifmw_networking_env_definition: "{{ _net_env.content | b64decode | from_yaml }}"
    name: ci_gen_kustomize_values
- name: Load networking environment definition
  register: _net_env
    path: "/etc/ci/env/networking-environment-definition.yml"

- name: Generate controlplane with custom user input
    cifmw_architecture_scenario: "nfv/sriov"
    cifmw_networking_env_definition: "{{ _net_env.content | b64decode | from_yaml }}"
          name: foo_bar
    name: ci_gen_kustomize_values

Generate dataplane values.yaml for nfv/sriov VA

- name: Load networking environment definition
  register: _net_env
    path: "/etc/ci/env/networking-environment-definition.yml"

- name: Generate dataplane without any custom user input
    cifmw_architecture_scenario: "nfv/sriov/edpm"
    cifmw_networking_env_definition: "{{ _net_env.content | b64decode | from_yaml }}"
    name: ci_gen_kustomize_values