Frequently Asked Questions

General questions

Where can I see the ansible logs?

On the machine from where you launched the ansible-playbook command, you can access ~/ansible.log.

What’s the root password on the virtual machines?

By default, the very secure fooBar password is set for all of the created machines. You can override it from within the layout description

How can I see the deployed libvirt resources?

On the hypervisor, you can check the deployed resources using virsh command, for instance:

Check on deployed virtual machines

[hypervisor]$ virsh -c qemu:///system list --all

Check on deployed virtual networks

[hypervisor]$ virsh -c qemu:///system net-list --all

Please refer to the virsh manpage for more commands.

My deployment fails with…

timed out waiting for the condition on openstackdataplanenodesets/openstack-edpm

The error is shown as follow:

TASK [edpm_deploy : Wait for OpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet to be deployed _raw_params=oc wait OpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet {{ cr_name }} --namespace={{ cifmw_install_yamls_defaults['NAMESPACE'] }} --for=condition=ready --timeout={{ cifmw_edpm_deploy_timeout }}m] ***
Wednesday 25 October 2023  13:20:26 +0300 (0:00:00.657)       0:27:44.152 *****
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {
  "changed": true,
  "cmd": [
    "oc", "wait", "OpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet", "openstack-edpm", "--namespace=openstack", "--for=condition=ready", "--timeout=40m"
  "delta": "0:40:00.116342",
  "end": "2023-10-25 14:00:26.634070",
  "msg": "non-zero return code",
  "rc": 1,
  "start": "2023-10-25 13:20:26.517728",
  "stderr": "error: timed out waiting for the condition on openstackdataplanenodesets/openstack-edpm",
  "stderr_lines": ["error: timed out waiting for the condition on openstackdataplanenodesets/openstack-edpm"],
  "stdout": "",
  "stdout_lines": []


There are multiple causes, but usually its because NTP can’t be properly configured. This usually happens when running in a network without access to public NTP servers.


Ensure you’re passing the following parameter to your deploy:

2  DATAPLANE_NTP_SERVER: <your selected NTP server>

internal error: Network is already in use by interface virbr0

The error is shown as follow:

TASK [libvirt_manager : Ensure networks are created/started command=create, name=cifmw-{{ item.key }}, uri=qemu:///system] ***********************
Tuesday 14 November 2023  13:07:50 -0600 (0:00:01.938)       0:53:45.117 ******
failed: [hypervisor] (item=osp_trunk) => {
  "ansible_loop_var": "item",
  "changed": false,
  "item": {
    "key": "osp_trunk",
    "value": "<network>\n  <name>osp_trunk</name>\n  <forward mode=\"nat\" />\n  <bridge name='osp_trunk' stp='on' delay='0' />\n  <mtu size=\"9000\"/>\n  <ip address='' netmask='' />\n</network>"
  "msg": "internal error: Network is already in use by interface virbr0"


There’s currently a conflict between the default network created by libvirt during its first startup, and the osp_trunk network we create within the CI Framework: they are both consuming the same range, This is mostly due to hard-coded values in the product, not the Framework. We’re working on getting rid of them.


Connect to the hypervisor, and issue this command:

[hypervisor]$ virsh -c qemu:///system net-destroy default

This will stop the network (while keeping it available for later use). You then want to start the osp_trunk network, else you’ll hit another issue during the next run (see below):

[hypervisor]$ virsh -c qemu:///system net-start cifmw-osp_trunk

network ‘cifmw-osp_trunk’ is not active

The error is shown as follow:

An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv.
The error was: libvirt.libvirtError: Requested operation is not valid: network
'cifmw-osp_trunk' is not active


The cifmw-osp_trunk virtual network didn’t start properly. This usually happens because a previous run hit another issue (see above).


Either clean the deployment, or connect to the hypervisor, and run the following command:

[hypervisor]$ virsh -c qemu:///system net-start cifmw-osp_trunk

and re-start the deployment.

How can I clean the deployed layout?

There are two ways of cleaning up the layout.

Light cleanup

This one will remove the running resources, mostly:

  • running VM which name start with cifmw-

  • running networks which name start with cifmw-

It’s probably the most used, since it allows a faster re-deploy later.

[laptop]$ ansible-playbook [-i custom/inventory.yml] \
    [-e cifmw_target_host=hypervisor-1] \

Deep cleaning

This one will remove all of the running resources, but also remove all of the dev-scripts related resources such as repository, OCP resources and so on.

[laptop]$ ansible-playbook [-i custom/inventory.yml] \
    [-e cifmw_target_host=hypervisor-1] \
    reproducer-clean.yml \
    --tags deepscrub


hypervisor-1 is the name we use in the example inventories through the documentation. Please be sure to pass the proper inventory hostname.