
Role to deploy get, configure and start RHOL/CRC instance.

Privilege escalation

Become - required for the tasks in sudoers_grant.yml and sudoers_revoke.yml since these add and remove under /etc/sudoers.d/ folder.


  • cifmw_rhol_crc_basedir: (String) Directory where we will have the RHOL/CRC binary and the configuration (e.g. artifacts/.rhol_crc_pull_secret.txt). Default to cifmw_basedir which defaults to ~/ci-framework-data.

  • cifmw_rhol_crc_use_installyamls: (Boolean) Mimic some steps of the install_yamls way to deploy CRC. Defaults to False.

  • cifmw_rhol_crc_dryrun: (Boolean) Toggle the ci_make dry_run parameter. Defaults to False.

  • cifmw_rhol_crc_config: (Dict) This structure is merged with the cifmw_rhol_crc_config_defaults dictionary. We can add extra properties or override the existing one using this parameter. We can know the parameters that can be used with the output of the crc config --help command. Defaults to {}.

  • cifmw_rhol_crc_version: (String) RHOL/CRC binary version we want to use. Default: latest.

  • cifmw_rhol_crc_tarball_name: (String) RHOL/CRC tarball name depending on the architecture. Defaults to crc-linux-amd64.tar.xz.

  • cifmw_rhol_crc_tarball_checksum_name: (String) RHOL/CRC tarball file checksum name. Defaults to crc-linux-amd64.tar.xz.sha256.

  • cifmw_rhol_crc_base_url: (String) RHOL/CRC URL base. Defaults to https://mirror.openshift.com/pub/openshift-v4/clients/crc/2.14.0.

  • cifmw_rhol_crc_binary_folder: (String) Folder that will be used to store the RHOL/CRC binary. Defaults to {{ cifmw_rhol_crc_basedir }}/bin.

  • cifmw_rhol_crc_binary: (String) Path of the RHOL/CRC downloaded binary for executing the commands. Defaults to {{ cifmw_rhol_crc_basedir }}/bin/crc.

  • cifmw_rhol_crc_force_cleanup: (Boolean) In case this variable is true it will delete if exists the actual crc instance, domain and linked resources and recreate it with the new configuration. Defaults to False.

  • cifmw_rhol_crc_reuse: (Boolean) In case RHOL/CRC is detected, just reuse it. Defaults to True

  • cifmw_rhol_crc_kubeconfig: (String) Path to crc kubeconfig file. Defaults to ~/.crc/machines/crc/kubeconfig.

  • cifmw_rhol_crc_creds: (Boolean) Add crc creds to bashrc. Defaults to False.

  • cifmw_rhol_crc_pullsecret_dest: (String) Absolute path of the pull-secrets destination. Defaults to ~/pull-secret.json.

Pull-secret management

This role calls the manage_secrets role. It allows to copy or create the pull-secret on the target host, in a known location. In order to run the rhol_crc role, you must provide either cifmw_manage_secrets_pullsecret_file OR cifmw_manage_secrets_pullsecret_content.

If you provide neither, or both, it will fail.


You may call the cleanup.yml role in order to delete the crc instance and all the associated configuration like networking, volume, virsh domain, etc.