Molecule configuration/testing

All of the roles should get proper molecule tests. When you generate a new role using make new_role ROLE_NAME=my_role, you will end with a basic role structure, including the molecule part.

More information about molecule


Any extra configuration required for any Zuul CI job will be added in the following file ci/config/molecule.yaml.

For example if we need to set a timeout to the job cifmw-molecule-rhol_crc then we need to append the following lines:

1- job:
2    name: cifmw-molecule-rhol_crc
3    timeout: 3600

These directives will be merged with the job definition created in the script scripts/

My test needs CRC

By default, molecule tests are configured to consume a simple CentOS Stream 9 node in Zuul. But it may happen you need to talk to an OpenShift API within your role.

In order to consume a CRC node, you have to edit the following file: ci/config/molecule.yaml and add the directive nodeset: centos-9-stream-crc-2-19-0-xl under the related job. For now, we “only” support the crc-xl nodeset. It should cover most of the needs for molecule. It matches the centos-9-stream-crc-2-19-0-xl label in rdoproject.

Once you have edited the script, re-generate the molecule job: make role_molecule.