
Deploys a Ceph cluster on a set of EDPM nodes using cephadm.

The openstack-k8s-operators HCI documentation describes how to run Ceph on EDPM nodes but leaves it to the reader to install Ceph with cephadm. The cifmw_cephadm role and ceph.yml playbook may be used to automate the Ceph installation.

Before this role is run the following roles should be run.

  • cifmw_create_admin: creates a user for cephadm

  • cifmw_block_device: creates a virtual disk to store data

  • cifmw_ceph_spec: defines the Ceph cluster layout

After this role is run, the cifmw_ceph_client role can generate a k8s CR which OpenStack can use to connect to the deployed Ceph cluster.

The ceph.yml playbook in the playbooks directory provides a complete working example which does all of the above and has been tested on a three EDPM node deployment from install_yamls.

Privilege escalation

Requires an Ansible user who can become root to install Ceph server.


The ceph.yml playbook defaults these parameters so that they do not need to be changed for a typical EDPM deployment.

  • cifmw_cephadm_default_container: If this is value is true, then cephadm bootstrap is not passed the --image parameter and whatever default Ceph container defined inside of cephadm is used. Otherwise use cifmw_cephadm_container_ns (e.g. “”), cifmw_cephadm_container_image (e.g. “ceph”) and cifmw_cephadm_container_tag (e.g. “v18”).

  • cifmw_cephadm_spec_ansible_host: the path to the Ceph spec generated by the cifmw_ceph_spec role (e.g. /tmp/ceph_spec.yml).

  • cifmw_cephadm_bootstrap_conf: the path to the initial Ceph configuration file generated by the cifmw_ceph_spec role (e.g. /tmp/initial_ceph.conf)

  • cifmw_ceph_client_vars: the path to ceph client variables passed as input to the cifmw_ceph_client role (e.g. /tmp/ceph_client.yml).

  • cifmw_cephadm_pools: see below

  • cifmw_cephadm_keys: see below

cifmw_cephadm_certs: The path on the ceph host where TLS/SSL certificates are located. It points to ‘/etc/pki/tls’

  • cifmw_cephadm_certificate: The SSL/TLS certificate signed by CA which is an optional parameter. If it is provided, ceph dashboard and rgw will be configured for SSL automatically. Certificate should be made available in cifmw_cephadm_certs path only. To enable SSL for dashboard, both cifmw_cephadm_certificate and cifmw_cephadm_key are needed.

  • cifmw_cephadm_key: The SSL/TLS certificate key which is an optional parameter. If it is provided, ceph dashboard and rgw will be configured for SSL automatically.

  • cifmw_cephadm_monitoring_network: the Ceph public_network where the dashboard monitoring stack instances should be bound. The network range is gathered from the cifmw_cephadm_bootstrap_conf file, which represents the initial Ceph configuration file passed at bootstrap time.

  • cifmw_cephadm_rgw_network: the Ceph public_network where the radosgw instances should be bound. The network range is gathered from the cifmw_cephadm_bootstrap_conf file, which represents the initial Ceph configuration file passed at bootstrap time.

  • cifmw_cephadm_rgw_vip: the ingress daemon deployed along with radosgw requires a VIP that will be owned by keepalived. This IP address will be used as entry point to reach the radosgw backends through haproxy.

  • cifmw_cephadm_nfs_vip: the ingress daemon deployed along with the nfs cluster requires a VIP that will be owned by keepalived. This IP address is the same used for rgw unless an override is passed, and it’s used as entry point to reach the ganesha backends through an haproxy instance where proxy-protocol is enabled.

  • cifmw_cephadm_ceph_spec_fqdn: When true, the Ceph spec should use a fully qualified domain name (e.g. When false, the Ceph spec should use a short hostname (e.g. server1).

  • cifmw_cephadm_ns: Name of the OpenStack controlplane namespace used in configuring swift objects.

Use the cifmw_cephadm_pools list of dictionaries to define pools for Nova (vms), Cinder (volumes), Cinder-backups (backups), and Glance (images).

- name: vms
  pg_autoscale_mode: True
  target_size_ratio: 0.3
  application: rbd
- name: volumes
  pg_autoscale_mode: True
  target_size_ratio: 0.3
  application: rbd
- name: backups
  pg_autoscale_mode: True
  target_size_ratio: 0.2
  application: rbd
- name: images
  target_size_ratio: 0.2
  pg_autoscale_mode: True
  application: rbd

Use the cifmw_cephadm_keys list of dictionaries to define a CephX key which OpenStack can use authenticate to Ceph. The cephx_key Ansible module will generate a random value to pass for the key value.

  - name: client.openstack
    key: "{{ cephx.key }}"
    mode: '0600'
      mgr: allow *
      mon: profile rbd
      osd: profile rbd pool=vms, profile rbd pool=volumes, profile rbd pool=backups, profile rbd pool=images


See ceph.yml in the playbooks directory.

Tips for using standalone

Pick the appropriate storage network

In the ceph.yml playbook, set the storage_network_range variable.

  • If network isolation is not being used, then set the storage_network_range variable to (the default EDPM IP address range).

  • If network isolation is used, then as per the openstack-k8s-operators networking documentation, the default storage network is and the storage_network_range variable should be set accordingly. As per the openstack-k8s-operators HCI documentation a shortened OpenStackDataPlane services list can be used to configure the storage network before Ceph and OpenStack are deployed.

See the README of the cifmw_ceph_spec role for more details on how the storage_network_range variable is used.

Update the Ansible inventory and environment variables

This example assumes ci-framework and install_yamls git repositories are in in $HOME and that EDPM nodes have been provisioned.

The cifmw_cephadm, cifmw_create_admin, and cifmw_block_device roles need to be able to SSH into all EDPM nodes but the default inventory only has localhost. The devsetup process in install_yamls generates each EDPM node and its IP address sequentially starting at The following command may be used to create an inventory with the group edpm containing N EDPM nodes.

export N=2
echo -e "localhost ansible_connection=local\n[edpm]" > ~/ci-framework/inventory.yml
for I in $(seq 100 $((N+100))); do
  echo 192.168.122.${I} >> ~/ci-framework/inventory.yml

install_yamls generates an SSH key install_yamls/out/edpm/ansibleee-ssh-key-id_rsa for root on every EDPM node. Configure the Ansible environment to use this user and key.

export ANSIBLE_REMOTE_USER=cloud-admin
export ANSIBLE_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY=~/install_yamls/out/edpm/ansibleee-ssh-key-id_rsa

Run the Ceph playbook

cd ~/ci-framework/
ansible-playbook playbooks/ceph.yml