Lightweight infrastructure

The lightweight infrastructures involves CRC, by default 2 other virtual machines, and 2 networks.

Layout overview

The following schema will help understanding the lightweight layout:

|              Hypervisor                  |
|                                          |
|  [controller-0]  [crc-0]  [compute-0]    |
|       |   |        |  |     |   |        |
|       |   '--------'--|-----'   |        |
|       |    osp_trunk  |         |        |
|       '---------------'---------'--------|---{Internet/external resources}
|             public                       |

Networks description

  • osp_trunk is the “usual” private network that will be used to deploy with network isolation (vlans).

  • public is bridged to the outside, allowing the installer to fetch the needed packages, operators and container images.