
The Validations role provides a framework for performing state verification. This is useful for QE purposes and will be leveraged post-deployment to assert that required conditions have been satisfied. For example, if I update a certain value in my OpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet. I want to validate that the change has been applied as per my expectations on the relevant OpenStack Compute nodes.

Privilege escalation

Privilege escalation will be dependent on the specific job being executed. Some jobs may require privilege escalation. Check with the individual jobs to determine requirements.


The parameters will ultimately depend on what is implemented in each validation task. But in order to launch this role, at a minimum the following should be defined:

  • cifmw_validations_list: (List) List of validation jobs to run. Found under roles/validations/tasks/*

  • cifmw_validations_run_all: (Bool) Defaults to false

  • cifmw_validations_default_path: (String) Defaults to "{{ role_path }}/tasks"


The following variables would be used to trigger the EDPM job for Huge Pages:

    cifmw_execute_validations: true
      - edpm/hugepages_and_reboot.yml