approve_csr – Automated approval of pending certificate requests in OCP.


This module approves any pending certificate requests and waits for a specified quiet period, defaulting to 3 minutes if not specified. During this quiet period, any new certificate approval request queued will be automatically approved and the quiet period timer reset. The module exits when no requests are observed for the specified quiet period.


The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.

  • oc


k8s_config (False, path, None)

Absolute path to the kube config file.

Defaults to environment defined KUBECONFIG.

quiet_period (False, int, 180)

Maximum time in which no events are observed.


- name: Approve all pending certificate requests
    k8s_config: "{{ lookup('env', 'KUBECONFIG') }}"

Return Values

result (success, complex, )

status of the execution

stdout (, str, )

Captured standard output.

stderr (, str, )

Captured standard error.

rc (, int, )

The returned status code.



  • Pragadeeswaran (@psathyan)