
This is typically an admin task before going into production, creating network for the users.

Privilege escalation

Not as sudo, but needs access to k8s openstack namespace and being an openstack admin on the API. That is provided by openshift_login role.


  • cifmw_os_net_setup_config: See an example in roles/os_net_setup/defaults/main.yml

  • cifmw_os_net_setup_osp_calls_retries: (Integer) Number of attempts to retry an OSP action if it fails. Defaults to 10.

  • cifmw_os_net_setup_osp_calls_delay: (Integer) Delay, in seconds, between failed OSP call retries. Defaults to 5.

  • cifmw_os_net_setup_verify_tls: (Boolean) In case of TLS enabled for OpenStack endpoint, validates against the CA. Defaults to true.


There is no molecule test for this role, since it gets tested via any end-to-end job.