
An ansible role wrapper around install_yamls Makefile. It dynamically creates install_yamls_makes role, which can be reused within the CI Framework and other projects.

It contains a set of playbooks to deploy podified control plane.


  • cifmw_install_yamls_envfile: (String) Environment file containing all the Makefile overrides. Defaults to install_yamls.

  • cifmw_install_yamls_out_dir: (String) install_yamls output directory to store generated output. Defaults to {{ cifmw_basedir | default(ansible_user_dir ~ '/ci-framework-data') }}/artifacts".

  • cifmw_install_yamls_vars: (Dict) A dict containing Makefile overrides.

  • cifmw_install_yamls_repo: (String) install_yamls repo path. Defaults to {{ ansible_user_dir }}/src/

  • cifmw_install_yamls_whitelisted_vars: (List) Allowed variables in cifmw_install_yamls_vars that are not part of install_yamls Makefiles.

  • cifmw_install_yamls_edpm_dir: (String) Output directory for EDPM related artifacts (OUTPUT_BASEDIR). Defaults to {{ cifmw_install_yamls_out_dir_basedir ~ '/artifacts/edpm' }}

  • cifmw_install_yamls_checkout_openstack_ref: (String) Enable the checkout from openstack-operator references when cloning operator’s repository using install_yamls make targets. Defaults to "true"

Use case

This module uses a custom plugin created to generate the role with tasks from Makefile. The created role directory contains multiple task files, similar to

- name: Debug make_crc_storage_env
  when: make_crc_storage_env is defined
    var: make_crc_storage_env
- name: Debug make_crc_storage_params
  when: make_crc_storage_params is defined
    var: make_crc_storage_params
- name: Run crc_storage
  retries: "{{ make_crc_storage_retries | default(omit) }}"
  delay: "{{ make_crc_storage_delay | default(omit) }}"
  until: "{{ make_crc_storage_until | default(true) }}"
  register: "make_crc_storage_status"
    output_dir: "{{ cifmw_basedir|default(ansible_user_dir ~ '/ci-framework-data') }}/artifacts"
    chdir: "/home/zuul/src/"
    script: make crc_storage
    dry_run: "{{ make_crc_storage_dryrun|default(false)|bool }}"
    extra_args: "{{ dict((make_crc_storage_env|default({})), **(make_crc_storage_params|default({}))) }}"

The role can be imported and tasks can be executed like this

- name: Prepare storage in CRC
    make_crc_storage_env: "{{ cifmw_edpm_prepare_common_env }}"
    make_crc_storage_dryrun: "{{ cifmw_edpm_prepare_dry_run }}"
    make_crc_storage_retries: 10
    make_crc_storage_delay: 2
    make_crc_storage_until: "make_crc_storage_status is not failed"
  when: not cifmw_edpm_prepare_skip_crc_storage_creation | bool
  register: crc_storage_status
    name: 'install_yamls_makes'
    tasks_from: 'make_crc_storage'

Tasks are created in a form of: make_{{ original make target }}, corresponding to make target imported from a Makefile. When task is being executed, it runs corresponding code from the Makefile.

Override install_yamls “make” parameters and environments

module: generate_make_tasks

  1. For every makefile target we have a dedicated task file.

        - Absolute path to install_yamls repository.
      required: True
      type: str
        - Absolute path to the output directory. It must exists.
      required: True
      type: str
  1. Follow below steps to find makefile target dedicated task files:

  [laptop]$ cd ~/src/
  [laptop]$ cd ci-framework-data/artifacts/roles/install_yamls_makes/tasks

Override install_yaml make parameter

User can build specific parameters using “make_TARGET_env” and “make_TARGET_dryrun”. So, here the target could be the parameter for which user wish to override make parameter.

Let’s look at below example:-

  - name: Debug make_ansibleee_cleanup_env
    when: make_ansibleee_cleanup_env is defined
    var: make_ansibleee_cleanup_env
  - name: Debug make_ansibleee_cleanup_params
    when: make_ansibleee_cleanup_params is defined
      var: make_ansibleee_cleanup_params
  - name: Run ansibleee_cleanup
    retries: "{{ make_ansibleee_cleanup_retries | default(omit) }}"
    delay: "{{ make_ansibleee_cleanup_delay | default(omit) }}"
    until: "{{ make_ansibleee_cleanup_until | default(true) }}"
    register: "make_ansibleee_cleanup_status"
      output_dir: "{{ cifmw_basedir|default(ansible_user_dir ~ '/ci-framework-data') }}/artifacts"
      chdir: "/home/zuul/src/"
      script: "make ansibleee_cleanup"
      dry_run: "{{ make_ansibleee_cleanup_dryrun|default(false)|bool }}"
      extra_args: "{{ dict((make_ansibleee_cleanup_env|default({})), **(make_ansibleee_cleanup_params|default({}))) }}"

This is a generated task file for the “make ansibleee_cleanup”. Here, a user is able to set ansible parameter that would then be translated into either task parameter (such as make_ansibleee_cleanup_until, make_ansibleee_cleanup_retries etc) or as a proper “make” parameter (via make_ansibleee_cleanup_env)